Monday, January 25, 2010

Chinese New Year!

Rice with chopsticks!
It isn't easy, but it sure is fun!

January Cash for Classrooms

Money Drop! Lunch! Twin Day!

Lunch with a Friend!

Twin Day!

During January we have worked hard to get donations for the First National Bank Cash for Classrooms. First National gave us $250 to start the fund. At the end of the year, First National will announce the school which raised the most funds during their month. First National will match that money raised. Of course, Graham wants to be that school! These are pics from Hat and Shades Day, Twin Day (and we really have the real twins!), and Lunch with a Friend. You'll also see our friend, Alan, with bags of coins for the Money Drop Contest among all grades. First Grade really wants to win the Ice Cream Sundae party for collecting the most!

DAY 100!!!!

We dressed up as though we were 100 years old or how they dressed 100 years ago. Look at these cuties in their outfits!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Friend!

Welcome Hayden! We've had to say good-bye to our good friends, Parker and Chance, but we have a new friend to get to know. We're glad to have Hayden join our group!

Monday, January 4, 2010

School on Tuesday!

There seems to be a lot of confusion on when to come back to school. Come back on Tuesday! See you then guys!!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

School starts on Tuesday, January 5th. I can't wait to see everyone!!!!!!