Sunday, October 31, 2010


It's Halloween!!!!!!

Watch Out for these ghosts and goblins and tricksters! They will steal your heart quickly! We had such fun Friday as we Trick or Treated Mrs. Dyer and others, painted pumpkins, listened to the Zora Ellis Jr. High bands, and partied. Thanks to all the parents who sent things for us to snack on or put into our trick or treat bags!

Field Trip!!!!!

The weather was PERFECT for our trip to the Anniston Museum and Oxford Lake. Museum favorites were the mummies, the frogs, the Indians, and the animals. Lake favorite was feeding the ducks -even the ones who came to dinner! Thanks to all the parents who helped out as chaperones. You were wonderful!

Just Say No Week

This week was Say No to Drugs week. We sure had fun wearing our pjs, red outfits, and tacky mix-matched clothes. We all signed our pledge to be drug-free.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Does it Get Any Better?

What do you do after you see a real race car,

and see a real pace car,

and meet a real race car driver (Jeffrey Earnhardt)

and sit on a fire truck?

You have a picnic lunch, of course!!!!!

Friday, October 8th, was a VERY good day!

Race Cars and Pace Cars and Ladder Trucks-OH MY!

I love to watch the faces of children when they are truely excited! Thanks Mr. Bruce Ramey for bringing so much joy and excitement! That's Jesus, Sam, Logan, and McKynlee looking at a real race car, a real pace car, and a real ladder truck driving up in front of the school.
Jeffrey Earnhardt stands with his newest group of race fans.

Look out Moms and Dads.....we ALL thought the pace car looked like a cool car to drive! It may be on our Christmas list!

Thanks again Talladega Fire Department for bringing another truck for us to see!

Fire Fighters and Ladder Trucks!

Thanks Talladega Fire Department for bringing the ladder truck for us to see and hear! It was a blast!!!!!

Fire Safety!

This guy may look and sound scary, but he IS your hero. He's the guy that comes to save us is a fire. Does your family have a meeting place in case of fire? Do you meet by a tree or somewhere else in the yard? Does your family talk about and practice fire drills at home? Our Fire Fighter friends tell us that we should!

Assembly Line Art Projects

Learning by doing - assembly lines in action.....