Thursday, November 10, 2011

2nd Six Weeks Awards Day

Our first attempt at an Awards Day was so special. Thanks to the many parents who helped by sending suggestions. Thanks to the many parents who attended the ceremony. Special thanks to the kids for working hard, encouraging each other, and congratulating each other. What a WONDERFUL group!

Good Citizenship Award Winners will be class leader two days in a row!

100/A+ Conduct grade for the whole six weeks! Each girl recieved a homework pass!

Winners of the Grace Awards: You don't have to do anything to get this award. Mrs. R. gives it to you because she loves you! Grace Awards include an "I Love You" certificate, a hug, and a bandana.

A and A/B Honor Roll awards are ribbons and Dominoes Pizza coupons.

Perfect Attendance-Each received an M&M for every day present at school!

THS Barnyard!!!!

What barnyard has a turtle, two ferrets, and a California King Snake?
The THS Barnyard!

It was cold, but we had fun riding the horses, petting the puppies, and noticing the similarities and differences between the Mallard Duck and the chickens.