We've earned our AR rockets! Some of these great readers have a 10 pt. rocket and some have a 25 pt. rocket.
These great readers are working hard to
earn their 10 pt. rocket.
AR works this way: Read a book and then take a test on that book on a school computer. If you answer all of the questions correctly, you earn 1/2 a point. In order to earn a 10 point rocket, you must read 20 books and answer all questions correctly. To earn a 25 point rocket, you must read at least 50 books.
First graders who earn 75 points by May 1st will be invited to attend the AR Field Trip. This trip, usually paid for by our great PTO, is to PlayStation in Trussville. There, we roller skate, drive go-carts, play goofy golf or arcade games or laser tag, eat pizza for lunch, and just have a good ole time!
I'd love to have every child attend this trip. SO read, read, read!!!!! We take a test everyday on our homework book. Books are available in the classroom for students to read and take tests during our school day.