Saturday, May 9, 2009

Important Happenings May 11-15

Wednesday, May 13th, is the AR trip to PlayStation in Trussville. We will leave the school between 8:00 and 8:30. Please don't be late to school that day, because we cannot wait. This trip is free to the students who earned it. They will be able to participate in the activities and will receive a ticket for lunch (two slices of pizza and a drink). Your child will pay only for additional snacks or to play video games. Graham PTO funds this trip for our students. Parents must provide their own transportation and pay their own costs. No siblings are allowed. In order to skate and to be safe riding go-carts, students need to wear tennis shoes and socks. I am on the AR committee this year and will be chaperoning the trip. The students in our class who did not qualify for the trip will spend the day with Ms. King.

Friday, May 15th, is Field Day. Please dress your child for outside activities. Tennis shoes are especially important this day. Sunscreen is a great idea. Students will need no more than $3.00 for drinks, face painting, and snacks. I will be the First Bank of Roberson's First Grade. I will keep your child's money in a money envelope while they play. I will stay in a central location in order to watch students participating in the activities and will hand out money envelopes to the children as they request them. I will also keep a basket for their prizes so that they won't have to lug them around. It will be a fun day!

Spelling TEST Thursday!!!!! We will take this test a day early because of Field Day. Don't forget to study!!!

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